Alexander Escalona

Body 1- 19 performance: In March of last year 2019 in my country we experienced an unusual and quite shocking event. We had a blackout that lasted more than 90 hours and it was a very inhuman event, since the consequences are still being experienced. As the hours passed, the water supply ran out, all that remained was to wait as the days passed. In fact, it was a desperate situation for not receiving any news of what was happening. Something stopped me motionless, static as if something was extinguished in me. The hours passed and I only know that the only safe place was my house, that corner of the world. It was strange that an event like that still saw the consequences in a country totally devastated from the social, political and economic point of view. At present there is no gasoline and hopelessness is once again seen on the face of a people.
In this way, the effect of light on us opens us to other possibilities of combat and creation and there the human being is strengthened as he faces the event and everything happens, everything will happen, that is the effect of hope. Uncertainty is the next step, the light goes out and the corners of my mind begin to go through the environments, situations. On the threshold of darkness is my soul, my exhausted self in the middle of a door that bursts in. The cry takes on a body and happens and an environment is drawn, a silhouette in the midst of this chaos. Then, from the mirror effect of darkness those beings that seek to seize that little permanent and latent light come out. But the body is in daily struggle in that waiting that feeds for something new. However, that long, perennial hope does not seem to end. There is hope in that tower, an unfinished consolation. Again, the power goes out, the water doesn't come, and those exhausting hours are like an hourglass. The light does not enter, it does not illuminate and I still remain, that is the only sure thing that I can have in my own corner inhabited by light.

























Body 1- 19 performance/ Alexander Escalona/ 2020/ Venezuela / 02.24


I was born in Venezuela. Plastic artist, Performancist. I got a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences from the Latin American and Caribbean University, Master in Education: Educational Management I graduated as a teacher of language and literature. He participates in the following international and national performance events: Exhibition 48NOCHES Performance, Alexander Escalona Gallery, Venezuela. Cut the line, project of the poetics of empty. Ritual Performance of the Hedonist. Italy. 5th performance. Encounter, Threshold Art space Threshold. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Performance: route to the black river. Manaus- Brazil. Elmurt.Net Gallery. Video- performance. Sedan. UTC MINUS FOUR THIRTY. An approach to performance of Venezuela, in Mexico. 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th “Live Action Meeting and Deferred. Colombia, In Argentina, Performance: Resistencia Subte. 9. Buenos Aires. 4th festival of ABZURDO. Quetzaltenango- Guatemala. II International Biennial of PERFOART.NET performance Colombia. 2012. Video in Action. 2nd edition. Valencia, Venezuela. XI International Holy Evening Lucy. Performance "body networks". Maracaibo. 5th World Meeting of Body Art. Caracas. 2013. XI International Choroní Performance Festival. Fleeting, Perfor Fair.

My artistic work is multidisciplinary where it is combined
between all branches of art to create in a symbolic way the
referential codes. Creative development generates important
spaces for the viewer as they become an active actor in the
game of interpretation. Likewise, being able to participate in this
event is interesting because of the opportunity to communicate
messages to other cultures gained from art.
