Joakim Pr Stampe

I see Red – Revisiting back in time / A performance action sketch

I See Red / PYRAMIDEN, SVALBARD 2015 / ARCTIC ACTION / CAMERA: Stein Heningsen – EDITING: J oakim Stampe

Joakim Stampe has become known internationally within performance and street art and is regularly invited to festivals and art events all over the world. He has showcased his work in more then twenty five countries in Asia, Europe, as well as in North and South America.

In his work he has fusion the ephemeral with the art object, painting with performance and matter like water, fire, yes even air and stone. Inspired Gaston Bachelard’s theories on the poetry of matter, Stampe creates work that constantly surprises in their fantasy and artistic expression. He has furthermore developed a concept on the action of giving as art.

The notion of giving away art objects for free is quite controversial in a society dominated by a hysterical consumption, in which even the idea of artitic creation and its value has been reduced to that of simple wage labor.
6-General artist statement (maximum 150 words)
‘I think there are many artists who seek the pleasure in painting, who look for the adornment, for formalism, but I want to dedicate my life to images that makes us think or clarify life or are memories of life’

‘I think there are many artists who seek the pleasure in painting, who look for the adornment, for formalism, but I want to dedicate my life to images that makes us think or clarify life or are memories of life’.