Karin van der Molen

Since many years nature has been my studio, my place of research, the source and inspiration of making and exhibition. I used light as a tool in the alchemistic act of performing an art piece, at the foot of this endangered glacier in Switzerland. I turned myself into a lighthouse, that turns slowly around. The lamp in the dark focuses shortly on the very details. The overwhelming environment is brought back to the basic elements of life in that place. The mountain, the lake, and parts of the body that touch natural elements, lighten up in the rhythm of the lighthouse. They are at the same time eternal and fragile. When the daylight comes, the sun overtakes the role of the lighthouse and turns my body into a mere shadow on a rock.

Lighthouse/ Karin van der Molen/ 2020-Steingletscher Switzerland/ 2.49

Karin van der Molen develops most of her environmental artwork on site, within exhibitions and artist residencies. Invited by the area, it’s natural possibilities and boundaries, it’s history and culture, her large ephemeral and semi-permanent works reflect a sense of place.
Karin van der Molen exhibited world wide, including in Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, USA, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Ivory Coast. She combines her sculptural work with photo performances and organizing international art projects.
