Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil

1. NIU. Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil. 2018. LAPEK, Subirats. Photo Denys Blacker.
niu (català)
nido (español)
nest (english)

_a structure bilt by birds or insects to leave their eggs in to develop, and by some other animals to give birth or live in.
_a comfortable home
_home where the fire is built, where the heat is created and the light shines through ( “home” in Spanish refers to “fireplace”: hogar )

1 NIU Marina Barsy  Copy
2 NIU Marina Barsy J Copy

Marina Barsy Janer (1988, Puerto Rico) Isil Sol Vil (1982, Catalunya) are visual and performance artists, curators, researchers and pedagogues. Directors of the cultural centre MATERIC.ORG and curators of MAR DE ISLAS performance encounter of the Caribbean and EMPREMTA international performance festival. They begin their joint work in 2015 following a philosophy of Subversive Love and eXtreme Care. They have presented work in Europe and the Americas. in festivals, museums and galleries such as CIPAF Cyprus International Performance Art Festival (Nicosia), Tempting Failure (London), OKK-Organ of Critical Arts (Berlin), La Muga Caula (Les Escaules, Spain), Viva! ArtAction (Montreal), Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona), Casa Viva (Mexico City), Proceso de Error - Festival Internacional de Vídeo Experimental de Valparaiso (Valparaiso), ExperimentoBIO (Bilbao) Body And Freedom Festival (Zurich), FNAF (Prague), and FIAP (Martinica), among others. Their work is part of the Live Art Development Agency (London), the Museu de l’Empordà (Figueres), the Arxiu Aire archive and the ArtExchange Project of Manuel Vason. They have held performance courses at the University of Puerto Rico, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Puerto Rico, the Escola Massana, and the University of Barcelona.

Performance artists that encountered; coming from worlds as diverse as Latin America and Europe, the masculine and the feminine. Their individual practices converge, to understand art, as an act of transgression.
They explore alternative sensitivities that challenge the imposed historical chronologies while suppressing the male/ female dichotomy. Their pieces are framed by the need to establish a single connection and body rhythm of pure listening. They are not two bodies, they are not two artists; they are the body in a space, in a time and in a presence. Their point of union, as vanishing point, is a constant pulsation where the plural presence of the body, the border destruction and the decolonisation of the mind-body is an act of rebellion and subversion.